Monday, July 28, 2014

How to include all CQ dependencies in CQ6

Use case: Prior to CQ6 you have to add dependencies for each class you are using in your pom.xml, Way to find dependencies was (Maven org or using adobe central through dependency finder HOST:PORT/system/console/depfinder). With CQ6 now all dependencies are provided through one artifactID.

Prerequisite: Maven, CQ Project Set Up 

Solution: Include following line in your dependency management for your pom.xml (Depending upon project this could be at any location usually it is your Project parent pom)

<!-- All Your Third party dependency -->
<!-- AEM 6.0 -->

      <!-- All AEM Dependencies for JSP compilation -->


      <!-- All AEM 6.1 Dependency added to end of file -->




Note that this version could change depending upon new releases of CQ, You can track them from

Some Trick: Note that above will include all AEM-API dependencies, other way to check what minimum dependency is needed is to create a multi module project using AEM plugin for eclipse more example .

You can also upload uber-jar with apis classifiers instead of obfuscate-apis classifier to your Nexus or dependency management system. 

To upload this uber-jar to your nexus you can use something like,

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=YOUR-REPO -Dfile=uber-jar-6.1.0-apis.jar -DartifactId=uber-jar -Dversion=6.1.0 -DgroupId=com.adobe.aem -Dclassifier=apis -Dpackaging=jar -DrepositoryId=YOUR-REPO-ID

Once you have uber-jar with apis classifier ready, You can use something like


I see that minimum these are needed when you use this,

As always let me know if you want me to add more details in this posting.


  1. Hi Yogesh,

    In minimum recommendation section:



    why is this used, instead of:


    I always assumed felix was the better solution but now I'm not sure.

    What are the benefits/loses of using the recommended group?

    1. Hello Mathew,
      Thanks for recommendation. Changed my posting. Felix should be right one in this case.
